Arabic belongs to a language group standing between the Southern Semitic group (includes Ancient Sabaen, Sokotran, Tigre and Amharic) and the North-West Semitic group (including Hebrew and Aramaic though probably more closely related to the latter. These are branches of the Semitic language family, a sub-division of the Afro-Asiatic language family, which includes within it Ancient Egyptian and Berber. It is first recorded in Assyrian Chronicles of the 9C BC, its literal form appearing slightly later in a script similar to Dedanite. Later texts in the various scripts are found from Mesopotamia to Egypt. During the 3-6C AD, while Arabic was developing in the Arabian Peninsular, its current vernaculars in the North assimilated many words from Aramaic, Persian, Greek and Latin, thus extending the vocabulary greatly. By the 7C, although the language itself was rather uniform amongst the various Arabian tribes and can be termed Classical Arabic that spoken by Quraysh is considered by Arab scholars to have been the most pure. After the revelation of the Quran the Arabs had a model text and during the following centuries scholars, with painstaking thoroughness, standardized the language. The literary Arabic used throughout the Middle East today is the product of this process, though the spoken language has developed into various local dialects.
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